BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles


Sounds like summer is starting this weekend in the UK and with todays evening commute home in the sun with the windows rolled down has got me excited for it.

I drive through Wolverhampton most nights and I've seen this graffiti from the dual carriageway but have never made the effort to get to it as its a little bit of a pain getting off the Ring Road. It is also on the down ramp to a car park with a sign saying NO PEDESTRIANS. It looked so vibrant in the sun with a deep blue sky behind. Could this actually be 90's art? I doubt it but Sonic was best back then.
Peel Street Car Park is the specific location and can be seen in words in the art.

Its deceiving in this shot but the wall is only about 4 foot tall so getting a low angle was essential. Further down the ramp was some more, even better artwork but was in the shadow, I'd like to do some tripod shots down there but its a bit too dangerous with no pavement/sidewalk.

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles

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