
By Purplepants

Bread pudding part 2

To go with 'Bread pudding part 1' I made this after work today - a regular 'bung it' recipe, I managed to use up crystalized raisins and dates and wrinkly apples and shrivelled oranges all of which tasted great after some soaking, peeling and squeezing...

A straightforward day today; filling out endless forms paperwork, around the teaching, for mornings out after half-term.
A bit of marking in the sunny afternoon after work and of course the laundry (and aforementioned pudding assembly)

Myki brought in a female blackbird which I attempted to get off him and was growled at bitten on the hand for my pains! (A puncture which drew blood. ) I did get her but she was dead - so that upset me.
He's been perfectly affectionate all evening - seems to have completely forgotten all about it.

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