
Last night was awful! E wouldn't sleep properly in her cot and was insistent on having her dummy put back in again and again and again. As a result I think I had 3 hours sleep, tops. She did manage a nap in the cot this afternoon when I was getting ready to go out and collect the F'ers. Typical.

In return she has been moody today. So tired that she wouldn't feed or nap properly so I basically camped on the sofa feeding her and holding her while she cat-napped. Fingers crossed tonight is better....however I can already hear her stirring.

The Husband is out at another leaving do (same guy as the last one!). He took a whole bottle of whiskey with him so I doubt tomorrow morning is going to be pleasant. Feeling a bit tired and sorry for myself. Maternity leave is lonely. I haven't spoken to a soul all day.

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