The eXmoor Files

By PaulaK

Rydal Water Sunset

What another superb day we’ve had!

We tried for a stunning view first thing (actually not so first thing seeing as we didn’t get to bed ‘til about 2 am) but, after waiting under a huge pine for the rain to stop, we gave up and went to the pub for food instead ☺.

We then headed off for a journey around the other side of Derwent and found some hidden gems. Everything from shorelines to bluebells, the sun had emerged and was very hot. We spent ages there and went straight on to Rydal Water for an evening blipmeet with gladders, Caroline and, of course, Gus. Such a lovely couple and Gus was absolutely gorgeous. We were there for ages too and managed to catch the sunset, getting back to the cottage at around 9.30 pm.

Anyway, I hope you like this shot – more here on Flickr.

Now, as it is 1.30 am, we should be getting to bed! ☺

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