
By lizzy58


Today I did some shopping and ran a few errands for my 85-year old mother-in-law, who has Parkinson's and recently moved to live near us.

This photo captures the basics.

-Pre-cooked bacon, because bacon is lovely but when you are 85, you certainly don't want to be cooking your own bacon. Or cleaning up the kitchen afterwards.
-Prescription refill. There is a very particular way of counting her days; they are measured out by the Sunday through Saturday 7-compartment pillbox.
-A crappy Timex watch to replace the pretty one her long-gone husband gave her 40 or so years ago. She needed a watch with a bigger face so she can read the time, and a stretchy, pull-on band because clasps are now too hard to manage.

It is hard to watch her getting older, weaker, and more frail. But it would be harder not to be part of it. So for now, we'll just keep focused on the basics .

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