
By RogMull

George Square and Robert Peel

I was in Glasgow today, and passing through George Square I was interested to see the juxtaposition of very modern and colourful banners celebrating the forthcoming Commonwealth Games that Glasgow is hosting, and the very traditional statues of famous people. In this case, the statue is of Robert Peel.

Peel is probably most famous for three things. Firstly establishing in Ireland and then in London the forerunners of the modern police service. Hence the name "Peelers" or "Bobbies". Second, for his forthright opposition to catholic emancipation, and thirdly for the repeal of the Corn Laws.

Although he served in a number of UK Cabinets, and indeed served as Prime Minister on two occasions, his connections to Scotland were never particularly strong. That said, in 1843 Peel was the target of a failed assassination attempt; a criminally-insane Scottish woodsman named Daniel M'Naghten stalked him for several days before accidentally killing Peel's personal secretary Edward Drummond instead. But I hardly think such a Scottish connection was the reason for erecting a statue in George Square!

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