
By mj2014

Another storm is coming...

When I was little, I was terrified of storms. I don't know why but in my memory, we used to have storms very often compared to their current frequency. I would say I was scared of them but yet fascinated as well.

Once a lightening hit a lamp post that was literally next to my house. It was at night, it sounded like an explosion ! In the morning we found a part of the lamp on the floor. It destroyed it !

A great memory I have as well about storms is, when I was about 10, I was on summer holidays in the Alpes, One evening, we went somewhere by car. On the way back there was this big storm (and you know thunder is much louder in the mountains as it resonates ), we stoped one moment to look if we could see lightenings. We effectively saw one ! I saw it right in front of me on the very top of the opposite mountain. I remember seeing it for 2 seconds (it is quite long for a lightening isn't it ? ), I even remember which shape it had !

This is one of these moments when you wish you had a camera with you..

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