Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A little treat for People Twitcher ....

I know how much you love a dandelion clock ;-)

I've been busy today,cleaning the house up from the visitors at the weekend .. Walking the pooches including Billy Loman,visiting Max and Milly and finding max has eaten his owners PS2 hand controls .... And a DVD ... or 9 ..
Also I had a lovely visitor this evening .. Dylan the spaniel who belongs to my friend Frank the blipper and also Franks lovely wife Ann .. Dylan came to have a look around to make sure we were suitable as a dog hotel for when Frank and Ann go away ... Pepé was smitten with Dyaln ... He was terribly frisky and had to take to his bed when Dylan left ... It's exhausting being a sex pest ... Considering Pepé is really not well at the moment Dylan certainly perked him up .... Dirty Pepé x

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