
By CharlotteJ

Red Face!

I have previously mentioned that when Chris is away I like to take up the whole bed on my own - starfish - well today I learnt something that made me go very red! Apparently ‘starfish’ means something very very different….when I heard the alternative, well, my blushes were very much noticed…..I hate the urban dictionary! My sharing of bed antics was meant in the innocent way…anyway before I dig myself into more of a hole I will leave it there but I assure you I wasnt being crude!

Chris is away tomorrow and yes I look forward to the whole bed to myself, in an innocent way! Lol

Its been a manic day with work..home now for food, wine and a quick look up into the late evening sky.

Happy Tuesday

P.S Em came home yesterday but ended up back in A&E being violently sick, she had to wait ten hours to be seen….good old NHS huh!

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