Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Bridge of Sighs

What a weekend!

A fabulous weekend away to celebrate a works anniversary!!

No expense spared thanks to two super Bosschaps! Dinner, bed, breakfast at One Devonshire Gardens, an afternoon's entertainment featuring Cirque du Soleil and lunch at the Glasgow Hydro. I am exhausted!! :D As is the bar

I would like to apologise to the bar staff for introducing White Ladies to my colleagues,....if anyone is interested, I believe gin, cointreau and lemons are now in VERY short supply in Scotland's second city

We had this morning to amuse ourselves so after a most sumptuous breakfast Eggsbenedict,toast,croissant,fruit,coffee,juice,danishpastries we scattered ourselves about the city!

My Roomie and I ended up in the Necropolis...hence this photie! What a great place!

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