The blue brush

Tämä sininen harja on lisää kuin vain harja.
Se voi kertoa paljon tarinia, sillä on erittäin vahna.
Se voi harjata sinun surullisuus.
Se voi ottaa kaikkialle haluat.
Jos otat sen mukaasi, se on ystäväsi ikuisesti.

(I want to say:
This blue brush is more than just a brush.
It can tell you lots of stories, since it's very old.
It can brush your sadness away.
It can take you everywhere you want.
If you take it with you, it will be your friend forever.)

Work was ok today. Quite pleasant, actually, and everybody seemed in a good mood. My legs were a bit sore though because I overdid it a bit in the gym yesterday.

I've started my coundown to holidays. only 11 days to go!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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