
By CoffeePotter

Leopard's Bane

This is a type of Doronicum, or to be more precise "Doronicum X Excelsum (Harpur Crewe)" (I copied that from the label).

They look similar to a bright yellow daisy on a long stalk, and once the petals start to fall off, this is the result. I think they're very pretty, and liven up the garden a bit before everything else starts to burst into flower.

Work today, broken up by a quick dash to have a "lunch with the ladies" and then back to work. Apart from the ladies' lunch, nothing much exciting happened. At the lunch, no-one fought, no-one threw wine over anyone else, no-one stole anyone's food, so that was uneventful, but quite delicious and most enjoyable. I could have made up a story about one of the ladies throwing wine all over another, but you may not have believed it. In any case, that happened at last month's lunch.

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