City Boy

By kwasi

Crossing the Alps

I'm afraid I haven't been able to blip for the past few days. I was heavily involved in organising a retreat last Saturday for our Kirk Session at Duddingston Kirk, overlooking the beautiful Duddingston Loch. Next door is Dr Neil's Garden which is open most of the time but is part of open gardens on 14 and 15 June. Well worth a visit if you are free and can get there. We were preparing for our holiday yesterday as well as probably buying new car - well new to is. We left for Turkey this morning and o'm writing the text in flight(I feel a G&T coming on). Just before we passed over Salzburg, I noticed the Alps. They looked wonderful in the sun. I hope to blip, depending on WiFi, but I may not be able to comment much. My apologies in advance.

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