A Minor Photographic Mishap

We were down at the lake this morning when I took some photographs intending one of them to be my Blip for today. Rather forgetfully I forgot that I had last used the camera when we were sheltering from the rain yesterday, I also did not check the settings. When I downloaded the pictures this afternoon I found they were overexposed beyond recovery.

My weak excuse for the error is the camera I was using only has live view. Due to the bright sunlight I had great difficulty reading the screen. I was bracketing exposures in the hope one would be OK. The change in light compared to yesterday was more than the camera could cope with on yesterday's settings. Of course I could hope for permanent dull weather so I can see the screen.

This late afternoon shot from the front terrace covers roughly 120 degrees of the view from the terrace. The hills are on the other side of the lake. Close inspection would show there are still traces of snow.

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