Full moon..............

and I usually go mad!! But, I'm going to save that for later as I have a meal to prepare. I've made the decision to stay home this New Year's as I had a good day out yesterday, the weather is so cold and I never like this night much anyway. So, I'm having duck and champagne pate to start, followed by rib-eye steak, mushrooms, chips etc with a fruit tart for pudding and cognac cheese and biscuits!! All accompanied by a beautiful bottle of red. Doesn't that all sound grand?
I doubt very much whether I'll still be awake at midnight, but, if I'm not, I'll wish all you wonderful Blippers " A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS and SAFE 2010".
Enjoy your night ( and to all you people 'down under' hope it was a good one and your hangovers aren't too bad!)

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