
I took today off to get some stuff done. I'm a woman on a mission, super organised and it was go, go, go. Not much happened with my camera, these are the beans I've to dry for seeds.

Before breakfast I'd sorted and culled those odd drawers in my dressing table, the one with sports socks, and the one with everything from perfume to passport. Both the rubbish bin and box of stuff for charity gained.

After breakfast I spoke with the movers and organised everything. I'm out of here Friday 6 June and later this week they'll drop off folded boxes, wrapping paper and tape. I don't know when I'm back in, in theory it's a 5 week fix.

Then it was back upstairs with the goal of finishing sorting and culling my wardrobe by mid morning. Together with this mornings offerings I gathered up the neat piles of folded rejected clothes from last week and headed for the Sallies.

With a tick beside 'petrol' and 'sallies' it was back home via the Resen paint shop. I pretty much knew what I wanted and 15 minutes later I was heading home with 5 test pots - 2 versions of off white (ceiling and wood work) and 3 for the walls (I'll end up with 2 colours for walls).

My next mission was to find the paper work from the ordering and making of my curtains. The downstairs ones by the sliding door have repeated tide marks from the leak in the back wall. (I found the assessment of my roof and invoice with details of what was done 7-8 years ago, that will be handy for the upstairs leaks battle with EQC).

I spoke with the place that made my curtains and they reckon they're a right off. Nothing I can do there re insurance until EQC accepts the leak in the back wall is due to quake damage. And that won't be decided until I'm out of here and work begins, so curtains are on the back burner again. My guess under the carpet isn't looking too flash either, but that's all for another day.

A quick lunch and then it outside to make the most of today's warmth. Tidy garden along outside front fence and add more bark. Tick.
Tidy garden on inside of front fence. Tick.
Tidy around the front door. Tick.
Dig, week and remove most of the Marigolds from front garden so it's ready for (late) planting. Tick.
Cut back the runner beans. Tick.
Remove any beans, lie paper towels on a tray and put them there to dry so I have more seeds. Tick.
Weed and cut back in the Roma garden. Tick.
Prepare flower areas for panseys. Tick.
Add more soil or mulch to the Roma garden. Tick.
Sweep out back yard. Tick.
hop up the over flow of green waste onto a tarpaulin so the fisher/hunter can take it and add to his green bin. Tick.

Do back exercises. Tick.
Do hip exercises. Tick.
Have a shower. Tick.
Pack my bike panier for work tomorrow. Tick.
Help the fisher/hunter with the overflow of green waste. Tick.
Put rubbish bins out. Tick.
Heat and eat dinner. Tick.

Blip. Nearly a tick.

I can't wait for a nice cup of tea and a lie down. Yeah, I am a bit tired ;-)

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