Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: seeing the light.....

Some days need to end with this wonderful sight. When everything has been an awkward struggle. When you cant get enough done or the elements battle against you. The wind and rain has been driving me mad. I clean out the chickens sorting 3 broody hens into separate boxes. They peck at my hands. They are furious at being moved, upset that they may lose a life in their eggs. I am careful, in fact I am more careful then they are themselves at the minute.

You see, if a broody hen is left with the others then other hens become broody and try and take over her eggs. Its a little like a cuckoo robbing a nest. The nest was already robbed. A light sussex, a wonderfully protective mum in the past sharing a nesting box with a grumpy white hen. She blows her feathers up at me, growling. I am not fazed. I hate to see injustice on any level in human, fur or feather.

Its been a day, for injustices. I have seen it a few times over today. Not to me personally but it still grates and hangs like a dark cloud in my mind. It kind of clouds your judgement a little too. The best thing for it is to focus on the light, the good things. Redefine. Then you can stand back and see the whole picture. The dark, the light and actually it doesn't look all that bad at all.

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