These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

a moment of loveliness!

We had another fun day at home, complete with games, watching football, playing play doh and playing in the snow. At 5pm, we headed to Dad's basketball practice to watch and play ourselves. The kids LOVE going and right now, they are practicing in a place with two gyms. One gym for practice and the other gym is open for us to run, play ball and do whatever else might sound like fun.

Mia loves running and she races back and forth down the gym floor like it's going out of style. Tyler likes this less but participates each and every time because of his competitive spirit and his drive to beat his sister! When he's not racing Mia, he's busy engaging me in a game of basketball. Today, he packed a light bouncy ball that he could actually get to the hoop and wanted to play full court. Needless to say, I was about dead! He ended up winning, 10 - 7!

I took some pictures in the gym, but they weren't anything to write home about. And, at the end of the day, this simple pic of the kids walking to the car after our fun in the gym won out! Not only is it so sweet, but it totally describes our last three days at home. I've been blown away by the way the kids have played together, shared, the list goes on. Now, I'm fully aware that at any given moment, this can and will change but for now, I'll look at this picture to remind me of the kindness that has abounded between siblings this week!

Goodnight all!

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