What struck my fancy

By TonyLuxton

The port on Sunday

The trouble about a holiday amongst amazing scenery, and Blip, is the sense of anti-climax, you get home and confronted with all the local scenes you have snapped before and the desire to maintain the daily journal you are left wondering what to do; that's how it affected me this afternoon.

I knew it would be high tide and wondered about a long exposure shot, it wasn't successful, so I settled for this.

What have we here then? The metal silos for grain and agribulk. The pilot boat opposite whose job it is to shepherd big ships from the Wash, littered with sandbanks, upstream along the narrowing river to the docks. In the foreground is the ferry which does not run on Sundays. And that completes the picture of King's Lynn port on this Sunday afternoon taken from the West Lynn side of the Great Ouse.

By all means view the scene LARGE

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