
By tookie

Cowboy and Sadie

Cowboy and Sadie just adore each other! Sadie is was rescued by a friend of ours and every once in awhile has a "play day/week" with boyfriend Cowboy. They truly get along beautifully and love to play chase, tug of war, run side by side, tussel, pull on each other's collars and generally cause some havoc together:) They are quite acontrasting pair---Cowboy with his wild ,light,long hair and flop up ears and Sadie with her smooth as silk black as night coat of fur and tiny mini ears. When you mention the name of the other to either one of them they go nuts in anticipation of getting together. Sadie has been over for a week now and we need to take her back home now. Time for our kitty cat Pooters to have the house back to normal for him:) Also I want to introduce my niece Aly and she is a new blipper now at She is an amazing photographer too!

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