Girls, girls, girls (& Rudolph)

The fashion show yesterday went well, all things considered...

We had models stranded at Vidal Sassoon a 15 minute drive away from the venue (in normal conditions, but this was a wet Saturday lunch time when the world and his dog decided they absolutely had to be shopping on the Kö) this led to Siobhan and I (on our way back from the printers with the programmes) squeezing five models (a good job they're skinny minnies) onto the back seat and then driving through pretty much every amber light we saw.

More people turned up than had registered, causing us to start later than advertised, then the actual show over ran and the auction (which was the important bit because the proceeeds from that go to the charity Friedensdorf) then over ran, which wouldn't be a problem except that the venue was an Arabian restaurant which needed to open for normal business at six...

I got home from the show with time to change and make blinis (tradional food of the Ukraine, honest) and then get over to the expat Eurovision party.

A busy day.

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