
By anhedgie20112


Ran a foggy 30 minutes on the cross country course this morning. It was nice.

All-state part two. I think I was a good stage mom. Courtney crushed it on cello.

I had my nyssma with the john, Owen, Ellen quartet. Woooo hahahaha. Goodbye nyssma. It was laid back and I enjoyed.

Courtney got the 199 and I amso proud.

Then we went to a service for Lorie Lee. Mom cried. Not open casket. We didn't stay that long.

Orchestra bowling! Mr R is a wicked bowler. It's just fun hanging out with orchestra kiddies. Afterwards, dan and I got some alone time in my car. We had the slightest bit of a serious college talk.

Brio for mother's day. Great place

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