@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Shouldn't a bothered.

Feeling quite 'weltschmerzy' today.

Breakfast was nice but it went kinda downhill from there. I suppose at least I was miserable on a full stomach.

I like this clock. It was a present from the dude's mum. It has a nice, luminous green face. I'm not allowed to use it as it has a loud tick and repetitive sounds, as we all know, drive sane people to murder their husbands. It's still right twice a day. That's two times more than me!

Caught a bit of 'Coast' on the tele where they mentioned 'the green flash'. I'd never heard of it before. Apparently the last rays of a setting sun are green. As I've already witnessed the most awesome borealis display I'm ever likely to and the next solar eclipse isn't til next year, it's gone straight to the top of my must see astronomical phenomena wish list.

Just don't expect a photograph of it.

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