
on canal between dal and nigeen lake.

and today a dust storm and a downpour. and i moved to dal gate, closer to the centre of town and the bus stand.

dal lake itself is a sepctacular display of stern to stern boats. in the canals you can find cheaper ones, less spectacular. but it seems this place is another hampi. business wants the canals as we ll to the obvious detriment of the locals who live there. been interesting talking to folk around here. but thought that needs time to process...

otherwise saw a swarm of eagles in the street and failed aught other than a feathery blur. it's odd but i don't really feel like getting my camera out here so much. i have no idea why, it's got some interesting possibilities. police and army; checkpoints and architecture; and, always, the landscape. and it's not that i feel endangered here, quite the opposite. part of this morning was spent talking to a couple of policemen and a soldier on guard duty. and i've met a few soldiers on their way here for duty when in india and, always, they seemed ok. nothing nasty there at all. but i suppose that the presence of military always adds a dash of tension to the air....

but don't let that wander detract from the general kindness of the people i've met here. it really is quite an amazing place, though i think that i want to head south next. thinking that leh would be better seen in a month, a little warmer. you definitely feel the chil here after dark...

and so, as there's a power cut again, and i want to preserve energy on my batteries...wifi is working...but power points at a minimum. haopefully tomorrow:-)

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