@ 8:30am

Coffee outside, while waiting in the queue for the bathroom.

It's now 6pm, and I've spent a total of only an hour indoors. Shaving etc (when my lottery ticket came up and I won 10 minutes in the bathroom), breakfast and then a brief (but fraught) trip to the garden centre to buy an apple tree.

Mothers' Day in Germany tomorrow, and a lot of local Mamas will be getting pot plants. I have a hunch...

Lunch outdoors. Mid-afternoon coffee & cake outdoors.

A 10km walk through the countryside to a Benedictine monastery for the lunch. Superb beer and food, grown/made by the monks.

Cloudy now, but still 20°.

Rain predicted for tomorrow, so really pleased to be making hay (metaphorically) while the sun shone. A pink face, but no ticks picked up.

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