Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Sleep in!

Archie must have been fair puggled after M’s visit yesterday and charging about in the garden all afternoon - he was still asleep when I awoke with a start at 7.05am.


I leapt into my shoes (slippers are no good for wet grass in the mornings) and dressing gown, popped to the toilet and, as I was about to put on the lights in the kitchen, I vaguely wondered why I had to put the lights on the kitchen, but couldn’t stop myself.

The lights went on, Archie woke up, and I saw the clock…

25 minutes to 2!


In the morning.

Still dark.

As I crept back to bed, there were a few whimpers from the pup, not surprisingly, but he soon settled down again.

Today I returned all the stuff to B&Q and we popped into Pets At Home to get more wee treats and of course, more toys. We brought Archie with us - he doesn’t mind the car, and he saw lots of big dogs and people patted him. We buy him all these daft toys, but the things he likes best are laces, and the big towel we dry his hairy paws on.

He’s almost mastered ‘Down!’ He hasn’t mastered NOT going in the garden and grabbing at every plant - the neighbour's pride and joy. This is a bit of a problem as they are so tempting, all colourful and waving at him. And tasty, possibly. Or poisonous, possibly. He’ll have to learn this one fast.

This afternoon I painted the exposed wood in the holes I drilled a week or so ago. I got a tin of ‘Walnut’ stain, but it’s actually more of a deep red. A blood red, in fact. So yes, the machine gun holes along the shed now really do look like the scene of a massacre with long bloody drips running down from each hole. EEek!

This is Archie playing with Snakey and Monkey. But if laces squeaked, that would be all he’d want.

PS Oops - he's just blotted his copybook...

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