Exam day

4years 201days

It's here! She's been really excited about today. Second ballet exam, first tap. We got a taxi to ballet so she wasn't wet or any extra tired. When I got there, I was immediately doing a collection of girls' hair and was asked to stay to help with the organisation. So I got to see her coming in and going out of both exams. She went in with a skip and smile, came out with a bounce and huge grin, both times. She was excited to share the little fairy cakes she had taken for herself and her friends. She then played with the big girls while I was pinning numbers to girls, doing hair and chasing round for various reasons! She was very adorable reassuring a couple of bigger girls who were nervous about the examiner- she told them she'd smiled at her and that she had smiled back at Katie so must be nice. We had a busy but very fun morning. And she was fabulous.

We then headed towards town, and got caught in a rainstorm. We made it into the shopping centre for a quick job before dashing to the train. We got utterly soaked on the way from the train home. Then the thunder and lightening started! So she's snuggled in her onesie watching frozen. Granny and grandad are coming to play with her tonight. I'm having my first "social" evening out (as in, not work) for 2 years.

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