1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Winter Beachy Goodness

Another trip to Nelson today and this time Teejay and I left feeling like we had achieved something. And we had!

Today I purchased a beautiful book for Sebastian. Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch.
I also purchased a book for Teejay for Mother's Day. I love her like a Mum and we are so lucky to have her in our lives.

Ok enough of the sappy stuff.

Anyway, I keep looking at this photo and thinking "Wow, what a total babe". And you know, he really is very very cool. I'm super lucky :D He was extraordinarily happy about going to the beach again that we let him go into the water with his clothes on. Luckily we had a change of clothes in the car!

Time to come back to Christchurch tomorrow. Ahh the dreaded drive home!

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