Taking a Fence

Soaring over the fence I couldn't but be impressed by the sheer muscle power as horse and rider glided effortlessly over the practise jumps this afternoon.

A great day out with some very good friends who were kind enough to get us some tickets at the Badminton Horse Trials today. It was a tad breezy some might say even cold when the sun went in but at least the rain stayed off even with the ominous clouds overhead.

Badminton is a three day event in the park of Badminton House, the seat of the Duke of Beaufort in Gloucestershire. Started in 1949 to let British riders train for events it has continued up to the present day only being cancelled once because of the outbreak of foot and mouth.

Hugely popular; the ground full to overflowing with cars, horse-boxes, trailers, tradestands, fast food vans and food tents. Families with dogs, prams and parcels of shopping. Going into the Dubarry tent for some boot cleaner, glasses of champagne were pressed into our hands - it would have been rude to refuse :) It did rather make up for being soaked in cider as a gust of wind blew my glass completely over me!!

People piled into the arena to watch the dressage which was interesting and wonderful to see the disciplined riding, while there were practise areas for the competitors which was where I got this shot. I just loved seeing the horses looking so very immaculate.

More horsey shots from today.

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