Because I'm Happy
The Minion is here - George went to the Infant School at going home time to wave to the children and remind them that there was a book festival on this weekend.
He then went to the LVC to help set up and despite the threatened rain the sun was still shining and the Yurt was erected without a hitch. He is pictured here with Andrew, a 'founder member' of the bookfestival, which was the reason I got to know him, who has since taught me how to do websites, a great colleague and lovely friend.
Not only did the sun unexpectedly continue to shine today, but we got news that one of our authors father would like to come to our book festival to support his daughter....our author is Lucy Hawking and Stephen, her father.
So I'm happy, very...especially for Valerie the incredibly hard-working administrator .....and I've been humming this tune all evening.
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