Structures at the allotment

This part of the allotment is looking good at the moment. In the foreground a few strawberry plants are going vigorously, behind them are the peas protected by their sticks. Then come the broad beans which are also looking good so far. In the background is the trellis for the runner beans and climbing French beans.

Susan spent the morning hoeing and weeding while I put together the bean trellis. Although we suffer from the dreaded Mare's Tails regular weeding seems to keep on top of them.

Susan continued with her gardening back at home in the afternoon, mowing the extra long grass and tidying up all the edges, making a fine job of it. While she was doing this I was slaving over a hot computer searching out more resources and putting forward our views on how the Young Offenders Virtual Campus should look.

An antidote to all this activity was further physical effort down at the gym at our regular Friday night blast.

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