Last gasp........

Poor little fish. But the heron has to eat.
I crouched and waited, unmoving, for several minutes to get this shot. The heron was poised like a statue in stone, and I was about to move to ease my creaking joints when he pierced the water with that treacherous beak, and caught his breakfast The light was not good hence the high ISO.

I took my Nikon D600 to Nikon in Kingston today. For those of you with a D600, and are not aware, Nikon have undertaken to upgrade the shutters in this model to that in the D610. and it is a free service. This is because of the issue of oil spatters on the sensor with many of the D600's. It is worth getting it done as, quite apart from an improved shutter mechanism, it enhances the resale value of your camera.
The downside is another two weeks without my lovely camera!

Friday everybody - have a good weekend. (:

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