A fine view

This is the view from the Millennium Hall in the village of Gartocharn on the A811, halfway between Balloch and Drymen. I would be surprised if there is another village hall in the land with a finer view!

If you go large you can just make out a blue sliver of Loch Lomond on the right of the picture. The view is more spectacular from the top of Duncryne, a local hill called The Dumpling, which I will climb one day specially for a blip. I promise.

I got a rude awakening this morning when a neighbour phoned to ask if both Pookie and Monty had come home last night, because her partner had seen a dead black-and-white cat in the lane on his way out! Even though I know full well that neither cat has any white (apart from the faintest whisper on Pookie's chest), I bolted along to P's bedroom where they usually sleep at night.... and they were both there! Phew! Relief all round for me, but heartache for someone else.

Have a happy weekend, blippers!

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