
By MamaOfBoys

Hey super baby

Yes hes crawling!!! Properly too not just a few paces at once, he got up on his hands and knees this morning and took off!!

I have been waiting for him to crawl and yay hes doing it.

We had a busy day yesterday, we did a lot of cleaning and getting stuff ready for first day back at school today. We also met my sister in laws new man at afternoon tea at our place and hes lovely!! I think Andre and I were almost in love with him, he's really friendly and funny and he's got an amazing accent being from Wales.

Harper also had a tumble yesterday off our bed after a nap, he has a wee bump but nothing serious. Not sure if it's coincidental that he hit his head yesterday and today hes crawling......

I cant get over how quiet it is here even with having a meeting.

The meeting was about Marley, they were from lifelinks who are an advocacy service more on the ministry of health side, so a lady came to do a needs assessment to find out what its like for us having a stressed out wee guy, and so we were given 25 carer respite days which is pretty good considering kanye has 48 and he has significant needs.

Carer respite days are for when we need a break and we can use them at our will and however we please so say Andres parents take care of Marley for the night, the ministry of health pay them for having him and giving us respite, it's a government based thing and I love it!! It means a win for both parties involved - We get a break and for providing care for Mar they get paid.

With Kanye's carer respite days i use them as in home respite so because i cant be here for Kanye when his taxi arrives in the afternoon because i'm picking Marley up, mum comes at 2 and stays to get Kanye from the taxi then leaves around 4. This every day equals 1 carer respite day a week (1 carer respite day is 8+hours), so i'm covered with Kanyes days for 48 weeks of the year using them this way. It works for me and mum, it pays for her petrol and i know Kanyes in safe hands.

So it was a great day today indeed! Boys at school , new carer respite days and crawling baby!

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