
By GrahamMcArthur

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Either I am very tired and in need of sleep/rest or I have a virus of some kind. I think it is playing games with my ears as well. Maybe I am imagining it all and I have actually been sleeping for two weeks. Who knows. A little non musical drone sort of noise composition has been the focus of my attention for many days. Not a particularly pleasant piece of work, but most unusual for me is that I quite like it. Every time I listen to it it sounds worse than it did last time I listened, but I still like it. This has me worried about the state of my mind which is always a little unstable at the best of times.

Not sure if its finished or if it needs something extra. My thoughts swing from leave it alone and let it rot quietly in the aether or add a vocal track, or percussion of some kind, or...Don't know. Leave it alone is winning the internal debate at the moment simply because I quite like it as is and also because it makes me fall asleep long before the ending - hence my opening remark. Falling asleep is a good sign; me liking it is not a so good, not good at all.

If I can summon up enough courage I will post a link next blip.

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