Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

For Sabine; Balto Rocks...

The Great and the Good of Wicklow Rock came out tonight.
Or not.
I took some cool shots of my pseudo-nephews band...
Major Respect to the drummer, just back from a TOD in darkest Chad..
Ultimate Spect to Cappy, already a Rockstar, chippin 'ties....
And Kris, I love you, Man, but you should have studied Law, far more much money......

But this guy, a stranger, worse, a mate of Semen Staines, was bold enough to play..
IN BALTO!!!!!!!!
A Brave Man, and for that, you, you strange and heroic man-(boy)...
You get blipped.

Dont get me wrong.
He was great...
In Balto????.

Lucky he didnt get the bollix eaten offa him!!!!
Jack The Deck
The music (I like "Close Your Eyes")

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