Surprise visit from UK

M&K (Letstryit) stopped over for a cuppa on route from their weeklong visit to their daughter & family in Centurion! They could only stay for about 2 hours.

Then I received a surprise phone call from my friend, Nadia What a lovely surprise!! They are on holiday from the UK! Visiting their respective families for Christmas, it is only their second visit since they left in April 2005

We worked together about 6 years ago, but then we moved to Zambia and she, her husband and their little boy (now 14 years of age) moved to the UK, Geoff got a job there and they planned to go for about 2 years. Now, almost 5 years later, they are still there and no plans to return permanently yet.

Nadia has a half day job, helping elderly patients with rehabilitation after operations. Their second child was born in the UK, she is almost 4 years old!
I met them at a restaurant and we had a bite together, chatting for a first place!! Thereafter they browsed through the Chameleon Village Market, looking for typical African gifts to take back for friends in the UK.

What a lovely afternoon we had!! The almost 3 hours I spent with them felt like 3 minutes, honest!! They are flying back to London on Thursday night already!

Bon Voyage my dear friends! Hope to see you when you visit again!

My blip for today is a variety of grass seeds and wild flowers in the fields close to our house! I loved the way the sun fell in that particular spot!

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