I recently watched a documentary about Easter Island, that rather eerie little island in the South Pacific famous for its monolithic statues. These are called moai and apparently represent the spirits of clan ancestors. The documentary gave a vivid sense of what it would be like to live in such an isolated location, surrounded by the vast Pacific and largely cut off from the rest of the world. The culture created by 'Rapa Nui' people was a very vigourous one of course, as evidenced by the moai, but they ended largely stripping their small island bare of trees and resources. Today it is a rather bleak-looking place full of bare plateaux and mossy hillsides exposed to the never ending winds from the sea.....
....but anywayz, as soon as I saw a documentary I knew I had to get my own moai. So here he is. Meet Henry. He sits on my desk at work, watching impassively as I labour over a hot keyboard.
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