What I think about...

By sparram

It was time for a title change...

Wasn't it!

These wee bad boys give you the extra boost you need sometimes when you're running. We all need a boost time sometimes.

I changed my journal title! There and back again... was about my mental health journey. That journey is complete. I have been and I have been back again, with a few falters in between, but it was always about my journey. I had to deal with all the crap I'd not dealth with. Dealing with it has made me feel better. In fact I recommend it, if you've no done it! Dealing with it that is.

Mental health is still treated as taboo subject! That's wrong. Maybe this will help?

The next chapter begins, so the new journal begins. It's weird, losing the journal title is like another box ticked, another item dealt with, another success. In fact I'm dead happy I've changed it, as it was beginning to annoy me and it was making me think about not so good times. So here goes…

In the words of BB King "let the good times roll"

Thanks ME!

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