Talking Pipes

This is the second plumber in two days. This one actually knows what he's doing. The first one came yesterday, tracked muddy water all over, and finally, allowed as how he'd have to come back today with a "better tool". Not encouraging since we were expecting dinner guests. He came back this morning, but admitted defeat and recommended a "hydro scrubber".

We weren't wildly impressed with his ability to solve the problem, but I'm guessing he thought us more than a little odd, since OilMan opened the door and started talking about "dropped calls" and "computer crashes", I was yelling at him that he was talking to the plumber, and Ozzie dashed out and grabbed the cap to the clean-out pipe and was happily chewing on it on the living room rug.

OilMan thinks Mr Rooter is great because, as he is explaining here, they use "the same process we use to scrub the pipes in a heat exchanger in the refinery". "Oh, ok" said I, weakly. I think he's great because he wears little bootees over his boots!

In other news: The Comcast guy did eventually come. He called ahead of time, but since our phones were out, it didn't help. At least he came and didn't use the excuse that we didn't answer the phone not to show up! He pronounced that we had a "bad modem", installed a new one, and called later to say that he had "put in the order" for them to fix the downed cable, which has been lying on the ground since we got here.

No matter what happens today, I think we'll be going out to dinner tonight….

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