This day

By snapper

spider dogs

Hubby bought this for the house for christmas but secretly I think to annoy the dogs, Abbie is scared of it, Freda ignores it and Sam just wants to kill it!

Spent some time going up and down the road to the laundry dryers to get all the washing dried for new year, gosh what a que!

Cooked a nice meat loaf for dinner (havnt made that in a few years)
Went for a hair cut as we will be attending the BBC ALBA Hogmaney ceilidh in Oban and I suppose I should look a bit smart! Not good at doing smart though.
Will need to run a tint into the old grey bits though (a lady has to have some sort of vanity!)

Now chilling to a large Drambuie in front of the big proverbial fire and boy do we need it, its freezing here. So far one of the Cooncil lorries has gone off the road so theres not much hope for the rest of us!

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