Bluebell Week

………………..In 'Enys Gardens'.

We’ve never been to 'Enys Gardens' before but lots of people have told us how nice they were, so today off we went for a little visit as it is ‘Bluebell Week’.

We saw lots & lots of bluebells and to be honest I wanted to go for a bit of a run in them and possibly have a roll around. Unfortunately I had to stay on my lead.

I wasn’t allowed off my lead at all today…………… And there was a fabulous pond that looked just perfect for a little collie like me to have a bit of a splish, splash, splosh about in??!!

If you live in Cornwall or are visiting, you really must go here. It’s lovely.

Even the sun came out for us this afternoon. However it was pretty wet and miserable this morning so all the paths were a bit muddy.

I ended up with a bit of a muddy tummy……………………. But I didn’t get into trouble because it wasn’t my fault!!

...............And even though I've been on my lead all afternoon, I'm pretty exhausted!!!

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