out of the shadows

By MrsHart3


This is my 50th blip, so I thought I should stop and reflect a little
It doesn't seem like 50 days ago that I started this
Nearly 8 weeks
Nearly 2 months

Time is a fickle thing
Sometimes it rushes away with us
And sometimes it drags so painfully slowly
But the measurements are always the same
Hours, days, weeks
It's just our perception that changes

My perception of many things has changed over the last 50 days
Things that were once important are less so
Things that seemed trivial have turned out not to be
I have discovered new things about myself
And others
Some good, some not

I was going to say that it is all part of a recovery
But I'm not sure how much of the previous me I want to recover
There are new aspects that I prefer
I am trying to keep hold of them
The tablets are definitely helping
But I can feel myself hardening
And I like the softer, more vulnerable me
There is a balance to be found

In a strange way this is turning out to be an exciting time
I'm so grateful that you are all letting me share my journey with you
And letting me share all your journeys too
Many of them are unexpected and unplanned, but sometimes those are the most rewarding ones

These are 6 glass tea light holders piled up. I like the light thru them and all the little reflections of my windows

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