What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Went to see 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' today and have to say it wasn't as good as the first in the new series, but it still beat the original trilogy for me (even including Alfred Molina as Doc Ock in the second one). Again there seemed to be a greater interest in the emotional interplay between the characters than in the action and that actually suited me, and when the action scenes did kick in they were fairly nicely worked (though a touch to much CGI at times). Jaime Foxx and Dane Dehaan as the villains of the piece (as wel as Paul Giamatti's excellent cameo villain) worked reasonably well though thanks to some chops & slices of the film (bits from the trailer were missing, possibly for more sequel use) their impact was a bit less than I would have liked. I was also disappointed to lose James Horner's lovely orchestral score to be replaced by a more bombastic one that didn't work as well, even with the lyricism added to the mix.

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