My Best Efforts - Year 3


Well - it WAS there - honest!...........

.........there was the tiniest, prettiest little Moth sitting on this "what ever it is" down by our village beck when I pressed the button! - but this is what I saw on my screen!! Moth gone!! The seedhead has come out so clearly, I'm posting that image just for fun!!

Anni is on one of her missions today - just what she needed 1 day before she and Himself leave on holiday! (NOT)! As she says though, the pay is good and very welcome. She deserves her break this year with all the worry she's had with me, Himself AND her in-laws! - hope it's one of their best!

Very cloudy - a couple of glimmers of sun - not quite as warm as yesterday -50 Deg F. - though yesterday was no great shakes!

Have a pleasant day!

Am going to try hard to catch up with a few replies to comments if I get the chance!! - am SO behind - sorry !!

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