Six down.....

For the past few days I have been meaning to get a shot of this activity down the road here in the valley...

Alot of the red zoned houses from the earthquakes are being demolished all at once, quite a sad, sorry sight.
They are all next to each other, sitting below the hill where rock fall is deemed to risky now to let the residents live there anymore, so they have been paid out by their insurance companies/Government and have left quite a few months ago.(although there are actually a few still there I think who are fighting to stay??)

It seems just a blink of the eye ago that those homes were well kept ,fairly expensive real estate, and family homes, that were part of this community, and no one had it in their minds that something like this would be the outcome three years on.....very sad, and upsetting still to understand.

Once the buildings are demolished- there are at least three big machines smashing them down as I write, and the trucks have cleared away all the debris, the land will just revert back to nature,- I imagine it will just be a green belt of land in the valley from now sign left that anyone actually lived on it.

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