
By asm929


These are just a few of the probably thousands of tadpoles in a deep puddle in one of our farm roads. They'll be ok as long as they mature before the puddle dries up. Sadly there are quite a few already dead along the edges of the puddle. But there is rain forecast for tonight and again on Saturday, so maybe they'll be ok.

Beautiful warm day today. Went to work, walked Riley, then spent an hour or so in our little greenhouse, transplanting impatiens. I've already done the tomatoes and green peppers and a couple other kinds of flowers. Sometime in early June I will make all our hanging baskets that go on our back porch and in front of the house. Mr M spent the day working and then digging up the yard in a spot where the grass refuses to grow after the winter. Every year he uses the rototiller to dig up the area, then put down the grass seed, and then for the summer it looks nice. But come spring, it's bare again.

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