Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Okay yes, maybe it's been forever since I've written but hey, I've been busy!

Firstly, I finished my giant fat lady, or Vanessa,as I like to call her. Which took forever, this means I've finished my final major project. This also means all I'm doing in college at the moment is finishing off unglazed work and sorting out exhibition space. Ours of which is behind glass so no one stands on/knocks them over. Which apparently is something that has happened in the past. I'm really looking forward to it though, it'll be really good. All of my family are coming and my boyfriends by the sounds of things. Which is a terrifying thought.

Speaking of which, he is amazing. Like amazing. Like super dooper amazing. Like he's the nicest, cutest little piece of ass you've ever layed your eyes upon. I've been at his house and will be, every day this week. But don't worry I've got my photos all ready for them and everything. See, I do care.

But right now, I'm watching a little adventure time, and a bit of CSI. Just having a bit of me time.

Happy Blipping.

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