Breakfast ballet in red

Winged Ballet

cardinal in crimson
sun blushed feathers
variegated scintillating
vermillion shades
of fluid fans
flaming scarlet
balanced furled
bending swaying
wings shearing your world

I've been taking bird photos rather seriously since I began this blip experience four springs ago. Their feathers, their movements , the scarlet heads , the orange . I never get enough and spring has brought back all my favorites once more.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and absolutely beautiful. Nora , my maternal grandmother, was born 121 years ago today and I've also been thinking of beloved blipper, Molly who left us with her last blip today in 2011. Many of us still think of her everyday and try to extend the warmth she showered on us when we were new around here. I miss you Molly .

All hands healthy

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