Scammonden Water

A productive morning doing odd jobs for Mum and also cleaning my car, inside and out. A nice lunch and then time for me to set off home.

I left Leeds in glorious sunshine and decided I would stop at Scammonden Water for a blip. I've been meaning to do that for the last 12 months but keep missing the junction as it is rather complicated. As I traveled along the motorway I realised I was beginning to leave the good weather behind.

After one mistaken diversion I found the carpark overlooking the water but by then I was in the middle of a black cloud and a storm. Not to be deterred I set up the camera on the tripod and tried a few shots but it was difficult to keep the lens dry and I have a lot of photos with big water drops on them. Then the sun began to break through the clouds again and it lit up parts of the hillside, it was beautiful but still drizzling with rain. It was also difficult to get the right exposure without filters so I decided to try bracketing.

Back home I combined my last three exposures using HDR Pro and, hey presto, out came more of the view I had seen with my eye. I haven't used this software much and I am quite pleased with the result. It was extremely windy on top, I nearly got blown away, and I think the movement of the tripod has meant it is not as sharp as it could have been. There are also a couple of water smudge marks on the lens. Happy with the result though!

Back to work tomorrow. :-( I could do with a few more days. I'm feeling so much better, probably 99%.

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